1. 利好:北京市新能源车保有量不断增加北京市机动车排放管理事务中心主任石爱军介绍,目前北京市新能源车保有量已经达到56万辆左右,而根据北京“十四五”规划纲要,到2025年新能源汽车保有量要力争达到200万辆,汽车电动化率由目前的6%提升至30%。9月4日,2022年...
2. 利好:北汽集团定增不涉及利益输送问题2022年7月18日,完全没有!这次北汽集团定增的部分,与现有份额完全相同,也就是说定增完成后,北汽集团对北汽新能源的权益比例完全不变!依然是39%。所以无论最后定增的价格高低,不涉及到利益输送的问题...
3. 利好:新车发布和定增有望带动股价暴涨以下的重磅利好,才对北汽蓝谷产生重大影响,第一,是阿尔法E将在11月广州车展发布,其重要性我在以前的帖子不断重复过,反正是王炸级别的新车,如果还宣布进入华为渠道,那更是重磅了,将带来北汽蓝谷价值重估,股价或迎暴涨。定增9月20...
4. 利好:宁德时代整合产业链资源将带来双赢Baidu Knows May 23, 2022, 8:50. The team of East China Security's New Lead Red previously evaluated that Ningde Times further integrates high-quality resources in the industry chain, guarantees the depth of cooperation and self-supply safety, improves the efficiency of industry resource allocation, and realizes a win-win situation in the industry chain. I believe that in the near future, Beiqi Blue Valley will leave several streets behind...
5. 利好:定增资金到账将加速产品迭代According to a report from Lanjing Finance on May 6, Zha Ji, the secretary of Beiqi Blue Valley, said that it is expected to complete the account of the fixed increase fund by the end of May. After the development of the chassis, it will empower the company, be able to accelerate product iteration in the future, and continue to reduce our research and development expenses. Late on May 8,...